
Dr. M. Naci Akkøk

Dr. M. Naci Akkøk

40 years of experience in computing in general, and in the software industry (as well as related industrial research) in particular. I started as a research assistant in academia, and went through SW/HW/FW development, project management and various management levels in the computing industry, ending up with one foot in research and the other in the partially managerial and primarily technical world of enterprise software and related business disciplines. And I am a full-time politician as well (parliamentary candidate for the Norwegian Parliament from Venstre - The Norwegian Social-Liberal Party, 2013 through h2017).

12:10 - Going healthier, greener and smarter.

12:10 - Going healthier, greener and smarter.

Governmental regulations and programs aligned with the Paris agreement, aim to ban cars within the main cities and urban areas , therefore. My company SNUBLEFLAKS is developing a fully enclose electric bike to help urban people, mainly from 20 until 60 years old, offering a healthy, ecofriendly and low cost mean of transport with comfort features and weather protection.

12:25 - eTransition - Rethinkig well-being in global mobility

12:25 - eTransition - Rethinkig well-being in global mobility

Human Centered + Data Driven = Enhanced Success E-Transition helps businesses achieve their global mobility goals by providing a data driven technology platform that predicts problems and provides customized solutions to the common challenges of living abroad; helping employees and their families thrive during international assignments.

12:30 - Empower - Global plastpant

12:30 - Empower - Global plastpant

Empower has devised a system which allows people to exchange plastic waste for tokens. The tokens can in turn be exchanged for money or used to pay for plastic clean-up in other locations. Once implemented, the system will let anyone deliver at certified recycling stations. Blockchain technology will ensure that tokens for plastic are securely awarded and used. This could allow people to collect plastic and save the planet while making money.